Photo by Josh Rangel on Unsplash
An established impact of astrology in life is its capacity to help direct people to living and fulfilling their purpose. Like a compass pointing to their north, astrology uses information about the alignment of stars and planets during people’s birth to calculate not only their personality and moods but also who they’re set to be in life.
The connection may seem absurd, but if one looks at life from a wider, more galactic perspective, this begins to make sense.
David Tuttle, author of Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales, shares his fascination with astrology. In Chapter 6 of his book, the author talks about the event that made him open up to and believe in the impact of astrology in life. From having zero knowledge about this matter to devoting his life to studying and aligning with it, David Tuttle is a testament to astrology’s substance.
David Tuttle’s Journey with Astrology
“Astrology is another tool which can make our lives easier. There are many facets of the science, but the one which really helped me and my wide was when we looked up our astrology signs by birthdate.”
– Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales, P.21
In the chapter titled Star Guided, the author discusses how astrology plays a consequential role in his decision-making and perspectives. Just as the title says, David emphasizes the impact of astrology in life, especially in his marriage, detailing how studying his star signs and what these entail helped him improve his life. He shares his many realizations after his first meaningful encounter with astrology, what it taught him about people, and how to interact with others.
Given its conceptualization, there are many reasons not to believe in astrology. However, how it helped him and his wife navigate the conflicts in their marriage was enough reason for David Tuttle to believe in the impact of astrology in life and align his life with it.
Understanding Astrology In a Deeper Sense
“All sun signs have attributes that are positive or negative. If a person is doing something negative, you can bet they are on the wrong side of their sign. When acting in love and from the heart, they are acting as the eternal spiritual beings that they are.”
– Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales, P.21
Author David Tuttle uncovers one of the more profound impacts of astrology in life. Many may believe that astrology is a bluff concept, sharing vague, stereotypical information that clusters signs according to behaviors and personalities.
To a certain extent, these are indeed some impacts of astrology in life. However, if one studies this matter more deeply, there is more to this than categorizing people according to traits and emotions.
What Astrology Is and Isn’t
Astrology is an ancient art that connects people’s celestial activities and earthly events, drawing a roadmap that guides them on how to live their lives and what to do with them. It’s the practice of looking into the planets’ and luminaries’ current movements and how they influence or will influence people’s careers, wellness, or relationships.
While it encourages people to look into their star signs for guidance, astrology isn’t a belief system. Practitioners rarely ever fear monger people to depend on horoscopes for their day-to-day lives and define themselves according to their star signs.
The impact of astrology in life isn’t found in how people are or should be described in it.
Instead, it’s in helping them see the world and position themselves according to their planetary language. It’s a whole discussion about astro-connection and celestial perspectives, offering clarity and insights into their movements and feelings. It’s helping people align to how they should be as “spiritual beings,” a means to evoke better behaviors and beliefs.
There’s understandably a whole mumbo-jumbo when it comes to understanding the impact of astrology in life. After all, astrology has a complex world behind it, and a single article may be inadequate for exploring its nitty-gritty. Here’s a simple guide to help you continue this discussion.
A Tool for Self-Discovery
From the reference above, it’s considerable information to understand and note that some astrological elements direct people toward their purpose. Two of these are their north and south nodes, which are points in the sky that point to where people have been and are headed. Referred to as Nodes of Destiny, these determine the most consequential impact of astrology in life: the discovery of identity.

South Node
This signifies people’s past, reflecting where they came from, including familiar patterns and behaviors they’re most comfortable with. This signifies traits hindering their growth, those they need to shed and learn from.
North Node
This node reveals people’s destiny, the direction they need to grow and evolve. This represents the qualities and aspirations they must embrace to fulfill their potential. Opposite of the south node, this point is outside people’s comfort zones. Hence, embracing and following these leads to pursuing new experiences, which prompt growth and development.
Understanding these points guides people in their self-discovery. These indicate what they need to let go and do to evolve and fulfill their potential. It’s one of the many concepts that offer people practical tips to navigate growth and development—a profound impact of astrology.
The impact of astrology in life may even go beyond discovery and mapping future endeavors. This can also help people find genuine connections by guiding them in terms of compatibility, dynamics, and relationships. Just like what author David Tuttle shared in his book, reading more about astrology will help navigate and improve connections.
Embrace Astrology Without Making It the Center of Life
Discussed above is but a miniscule part of astrology, which should be more than enough encouragement to promote interest in the concept.
There’s more to this than the nodes and horoscope readings people are mostly exposed to. The more they read about the impact of astrology in life, the more they’ll realize its extensive influence. It not only maps out the recommended direction they should take in life according to their talents and purpose. But it also helps people make use of their time and life efficiently.
Astrology is a guide for people to live more consciously and with a direction. However, as consequential as the impact of astrology in life is, people are still reminded about the importance of personal agency. Regardless of what the stars say, they still have free will and have complete control of their lives. If they deem astrology different from what they want, they should follow their will.
Astrology is a guide, not a rulebook.
Read more of what David Tuttle says about astrology, among other spiritual concepts, in Soul Licensed: Tips and Tales. Grab a copy of the book today!
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