Tarot cards on table representing the phases of spiritual awakening and their respective archetypes | Photo by Alina Vilchenko
Going through a spiritual awakening is a journey of transformation where you feel like shedding old layers to reveal your inner truth. It’s like coming back to who you truly are; an awareness of a new reality. In this article, we will discuss the four stages of spiritual awakening using the four main Jungian archetypes.
But before we get there, we recommend you get a copy of David Tuttle’s “SOUL LICENSED: Tips and Tales” to guide you as you take your spiritual path. Available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and your most trusted online bookstore, getting a copy of this psychic guidance writing book by David Tuttle will teach you how to recognize your abilities to communicate with deceased loved ones. You will also learn techniques to relieve stress and the proper use of thoughts and energy.
Ready to explore the phases of spiritual awakening you will go through? Let’s get started with some of the archetypes.
First, What Are Archetypes?
Carl Jung introduced the archetypes (referred to as “Jungian archetypes”) to help us understand the human psyche and navigate the psychological landscapes. The psychic guidance helps us unveil the intricate patterns of our deepest motivations, fears, and desires. In the spiritual odyssey, Jungian archetypes help us understand the phases of spiritual awakening. It’s where ancient wisdom (i.e., myth, symbol, dream coverage, etc.) meets modern understanding to reveal the hidden corners of our minds (Pearson, 1991)1.
The Phases of Spiritual Awakening and Their Archetypes
Each phase of spiritual awakening aligns with an archetype. This offers a relatable lens for understanding emotions, struggles, and breakthroughs in each stage. There are 12 major Jungian archetypes. But for this article, we will focus on the four main stages and explore their guiding archetypes respectively.
The Persona Phase: Conformity and Identity
First on the list of the phases of spiritual awakening is the persona phase. It’s where you identify closely with your social roles and external identities. This “mask” represents how you present yourself to the world in congruence with societal expectations and norms.
The Shadow Phase: Confronting the Unconscious
Your attention shifts inward to confront “The Shadow”—the storage room for your repressed desires, fears, and aspects of yourself that you deem unacceptable. This is the phase where you engage with your hidden facets, which are important for greater self-awareness and emotional healing.
The Anima/Animus Phase: Integrating Inner Opposites
In this phase, we encounter our Anima (inner feminine) or Animus (inner masculine). These aspects represent the unconscious feminine qualities in men and masculine qualities in women. Integrating these aspects improves psychological balance, which is essential for a more holistic expression of the Self.
The Self Phase: Realization of Wholeness
The highest point of spiritual awakening is the realization of the Self. This stage symbolizes the unification of all aspects of the psyche. It is the stage where one achieves a harmonious balance between the conscious and unconscious.
The 12 Jungian Archetypes
Before we end this blog, allow us to give you a list of the 12 major archetypes proposed by Carl Jung. These archetypes are characters that often appear in myths and legends from cultures across different parts of the world. Each archetype represents human experiences and emotions or motivations.
The Innocent | Purity and optimism; the desire to be happy and free |
The Orphan | Connection and belonging; fearing left behind |
The Hero | Courage; fearing weakness and vulnerability |
The Caregiver | Protection and care; fearing selfishness and ingratitude |
The Explorer | Freedom and authenticity; fearing getting trapped |
The Rebel | Revolution or change; fearing ineffectuality |
The Lover | Intimacy; fearing loneliness or rejection |
The Creator | Creating enduring value; fearing mediocrity |
The Jester | Joy and humor; fearing boredom |
The Sage | Quest for truth; fearing ignorance |
The Magician | Making dreams come true; fearing unintended negative consequences |
The Ruler | Control and prosperity; fearing chaos or being overthrown |
How to Identify Your Archetype?
As you journey through the phases of spiritual awakening, it’s important to understand your archetype. To do this, you will need to start with reflection. Perhaps, you can journal questions like:
“What fears or desires dominate my thoughts?”
“What role do I often play in relationships?”
Following your reflection, observe recurring signs and patterns that resonate with your life. Do you resonate with The Hero’s courage or The Shadow’s hidden fears? Notice the clues to help you link experience to archetypal themes. Lastly, embrace integration through meditation or visualization. These practices will deepen your connection to archetypal strengths and guide you in navigating your spiritual journey.
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